Black Maternal Health Week 2024
The Shades of Motherhood Network is proud to announce the theme of BMHW this year which is "Shades Of Urgency". Bringing awareness to the community by hosting a plethora of events to shed light on all maters surrounding Black Maternal Health. Black Maternal Health Week - April 11th-17th, 2024. Events will take place throughout the region with the goal of fostering awareness and encouraging community action to improve Black maternal health conditions. “The heartbreaking truth is that black mothers are twice as likely to die or suffer long-term as a result of pregnancy-related complications than white women. And they’re three times as likely to receive a pregnancy-related injury during birth.” explains Stephaine Courtney, Executive Director of Shades of Motherhood.“The birth rate is declining in our country. If we want to improve the birth rate in America, the logical first step is making pregnancy a safer process,” explains Stephaine Courtney. “The best way to improve the baseline of safe births is to start by helping the women who are dying at an alarming rate. We aim to spark awareness and action during Black Maternal Health Week.”
BMHW Live Book Reading
Watch Now and Embark on a poignant journey through the pages of compelling narratives that illuminate the diverse shades of urgency surrounding maternal health. Please watch for an enriching and enlightening virtual experience, "Shades Of Urgency: Maternal Health Live Virtual Book Reading.
Nasheeda Pollard International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, public health professional, and author
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our Platinum Mission Sponser
Thank You Sponsors
We would like to thank all the sponsors that have supported and contributed into making BMHW possible! Thank you for crushing the crisis around Maternal Health.